personal finance

Estate Planning 101

Estate Planning 101

Estate planning can sometimes come across as a section of planning that is completed later in life after retirement has begun and “it’s time” to start thinking of life’s next stage. Au contraire, estate planning is a part of one’s portfolio that deserves equal attention pre and post the date of retirement. The time is now! As net worth, investments, personal property, real estate, relationships, and other intrinsic items change in status, value, and possession over the years, it is important to consistently update (or begin creating) your estate planning documents.

Below are some introductory terms for those stepping into the estate planning process

Raising Children Who Understand Money

Raising Children Who Understand Money

One of my goals as a parent is to raise my children to be aware of the value of money and as they age to develop healthy financial habits. I have had friends ask my advice on this and have seen social media posts from parents of young children asking for input. The hardest part of this is just like everything else in parenting, you will need to find what works for your family and for your children or the children in your life. We are so excited we have become a Sammy Rabbit official partner and have been able to bring Sammy’s Dream Big story program to you! This is geared towards children ages 7-10 and is a storybook coloring book and activities to teach financial literacy.

Five Money Moves for Graduates

Five Money Moves for Graduates

Graduation, the day you’ve worked towards for years. Once you walk across the stage (or should we say proverbial stage this year) and take that diploma a new stage of life begins. There will be many new decisions and actions ahead of you, but here are a few simple moves to take as you enter that next stage of life.

Women Rocking Business

Women Rocking Business

March is women’s history month and we want to take some of our space this month to recognize that. I love working with small business owners so I wanted to share some thoughts on women as business owners. Rooted Planning Group is owned by women so this is certainly special to us.

What are the traits that help women succeed in business? I thought back on some conferences I’ve attended, drew on personal experience, and looked at our team to see how the ways we think or act differently can be beneficial.