Financial Goals

Financial Planning Strategies for Holiday Spending and Savings

Financial Planning Strategies for Holiday Spending and Savings

It’s hard to believe that we are already in the holiday season. Christmas is just over a week away so in this week's Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner Becky Eason (who we affectionately call our budget queen) is going to give you a few tips to save money in the upcoming weeks. 

How to Make the Holidays Full of Emotional Wealth

How to Make the Holidays Full of Emotional Wealth

When I think about the holiday season I have many different emotions; excitement, stress, joy, overwhelm, sadness.  However, as I get older and learn to cherish time more than anything, I realize that the Holidays are a very special time that should not be taken for granted and I do not want the negative emotions overshadow the positive emotions.  

So this year I am choosing to do the following 3 things and encourage everyone to consider doing them also…