Wealth Improvement

Become a Financial Smarty Pants

Become a Financial Smarty Pants

National Financial Literacy Month is recognized in the United States in April to highlight the importance of financial literacy and teach Americans healthy financial habits. Throughout the last few weeks at Rooted Planning Group, we have tried to learn as much as we can about the CARES Act and pass that knowledge along to all of our clients and readers. But today, we want to pivot and teach you how to increase the other areas of your financial literacy and make you an official Financial Smarty Pants. Below are some terms and components that we feel are important to have strong financial literacy knowledge.

Wealth, Habits, and How Buffering is "Ruining" Your Best Life!

Wealth, Habits, and How Buffering is "Ruining" Your Best Life!

Habits. Resolutions. Goals.  Being Better. Having the best year ever!

Words that inspire us to be amazing.  

However,  statistically the odds are not in our favor.  Most people do not set a resolution, and those that do, normally do not keep them.  If you are one of the few who do, Congratulations, keep on killing it! If you are one of the other 97%, I would like to introduce you to why we cannot keep those resolutions.  This is because of “buffering.”